It's that time again--when we think through our resolutions and goals for the next twelve months. Some years the process overwhelms me. I mean, there's already so much I screw up on in spite of my best intentions.
Why strive for more that I may or may not reach?
That's why I've put together a list of ten things I believe you are going to get right as mamas this year. A list to remind you of all the awesomeness you usher into your family just by being your regular, imperfect self:
1. This year, you will say yes to you.
You are you--with your personality, strengths, and weaknesses. As much as possible, honor who God made you to be and celebrate it!
2. This year, you will say yes to your kids.
Just to clarify, I don't mean to say yes to everything they want. Say yes to who they deeply are.
The longer I parent the more I realize that at a core level, my kids already are who they are. I'm not going to change them, so why not enjoy the process of watching their identities unfold?
3. This year, you will read-aloud as many days as you sanely can.
Even if it's a sentence, a Bible verse, or a comic strip. Christmas Day I found a beautiful poem that inspired me, so before dinner I took two minutes to read it to the family. Two minutes, done--with a little extra beauty our way as a result.
Need help choosing books and making this a habit? I've got you covered! And remember the "sanely" part of this resolution--it doesn't apply to the insane days.
4. This year, you will share what you love with your kids.
Maybe it's cooking, writing, reading, or woodworking. What you love inspires you, therefore it will inspire your kids as well! Model a life of passion in front of them.
5. This year, you will enjoy intentional screen time guilt-free.
Our culture is currently all-screens, all-the-time--and I'm not advocating that. What I am advocating is that you intentionally think through and decide about screens in your home, for your unique kids and unique situation.
Then enjoy whatever you decide. Without worry, without guilt.
6. This year, you will say "I love you" more times than you can count.
You'll lose track because it comes out of your mouth so often--in good times when it easily comes off your lips, and in hard ones where it's a pure discipline to get the words formed.
7. This year, you'll sing in the shower, dance in the hallway, lip sync to Taylor Swift, and skip in the street.
Acting childlike with your child is a wonderful way to bond. Silliness opens the door to their hearts.
Note to self: You are a grown up, meaning you don't have to act silly all the time. But when you feel it, do it!
8. This year, you will fail often.
It's going to happen, sweet mamas, so you might as well face it. I'm here to tell you failing is one of the things you'll do right this year! Why? Well, just peek at your growing babes.
Don't they screw up each and every day? Why should you be any different? Acknowledging your day-to-day failure breaks the strongholds of perfectionism that often pass through generations like the plague.
9. This year, you will apologize.
After the failures, an "I'm sorry" is the difference between a mama screw up and an opportunity.
Your heartfelt apology contributes to a healthy family life.
10. Most importantly, this year you won't run away.
Through hard times and good. In sickness and health. If fortune smiles or if everything falls apart.
Oh sure, you might lock yourself in the bathroom for ten minutes. But you will come out again! You will face those challenges that come shaped like little humans and through your commitment to them you will transform their lives.
In the process, you'll transform yourself this year, too. In all the best of ways.
So beautiful moms, I raise my glass in a toast to you! You're getting so many things right. More than anything else, I pray you'll have eyes to see and acknowledge all the good you do this year for those you love and serve.
"Maybe this year...we ought to walk through the rooms
of our lives not looking for flaws, but for potential."
~ Ellen Goodman