photo taken by Trishna while I was making granola
I usually have comments closed on Steady Mom posts (to find out why read here), but I've been missing the chance to say hello and thank you for reading here. Since I actually have a day without a lot going on (incredible!), it seemed like the perfect time to have a little chat.
My good friend Aimee of Simple Bites recently gave her readers the chance to ask her questions, and I thought I'd do the same.
Have any questions for me, big or small? About my blogs, books, writing, children, husband, discipline, favorite books or movies, trivia about how I met Steve, why we do the work we do, or how I got my start in the blogosphere?
Want to know about what gave me my ideas for my books, our philosophy of tv watching, or what I usually eat for breakfast? =)
Have ideas for posts you'd like to see here? Feel free to share those, too!
Ask away in the comments and I'll answer either below in response or in a separate post coming up soon.
And if you just want to say hello, let's pretend we're having a chat over tea right now (while Trishna and Jonathan are watching Dennis the Menace and Elijah's playing outside!). Iced tea sound okay?!
"A blog is merely a tool that lets you do anything from change the world
to share your shopping list."
(Jamie's note: I prefer to think of mine in the world-changing category!)
~ Source Unknown
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