Photo by woodleywonderworks
A question from a reader--
Jukie wrote:
"I am a stay at home mother (Australian) of 2 kids. One is 2.5 yrs and one is 9 months old. My quest is to find a way to raise my children simply when one of them has additional needs.
My first born beautiful girl has a genetic condition which predisposed her to learning delays. My struggles are based around weighing up a desire for simplistic, back to basics, honest, mindful parenting with the requirements of early intervention therapies (Physio, OT, speech, etc) and educational programs.
What do you give up? Certainly not the therapy, the music program which is sooooo much fun and the highlight of all of our weeks, play dates? Too hard to choose so we end up out of the house most mornings of the week. Which in turn leads to compromises in other areas of my parenting (diet!) that I would like to put more time in to not to mention the shortness of my temper and hers!
Perhaps you or some of your readers have some insight for me?"