Written by contributor Kat of Inspired to Action.
This song by Taylor Swift is one of my favorites.
Yes, I'm 35 years old. Yes, I love a Taylor Swift song. Now that we have that cleared up...
I love listening to it while I go for a run right after I put my kids to bed. It's a wonderful barometer for me.
What kind of mom was I today?
(Be forewarned: these lyrics may induce the ugly cry, but in a good way.)
If your children's only memory of you was today, what would they say about you?
Were you defined by patience or frustration?
Mercy or judgment?
Rest or worry?
Love or fear?
Would they believe that they are valuable to you? Priceless? Cherished?
Or would they feel like an intrusion, a bother, a bore?
Would your home be marked by peace or envy?
Busyness or gratitude?
Anxiousness or calm contentment?
It might just seem like another day in a string of thousands, but each one is a thread in a tapestry that our children will cling to long after we are gone.
Today is a rich, wondrous treasure.
Spend it well, my friends.
Kat blogs at Inspired to Action, a site helping moms develop the skills they need to manage their homes and raise children who are prepared to change the world. Kat and her husband Jimmy live in Texas and have 3 children ages 7, 5 and 3. Kat loves music, running, technology, Jesus and Tex-Mex food. Not necessarily in that order.