Photo by Vince Alongi
Thanks for your kind words and comments on yesterday's post. It's good (though hard) to be honest and vulnerable at times like these. I'm finding that the "5 Ways to Blah-Blah Your Blah-Blah" type of posts are just not flowing in the midst of life in this moment and I don't want to fake it with you all.
This whole situation has gotten me thinking about how being introverted can add different challenges to the life of a mother. I love being an introvert and can see such value in it now, though previously in my life I didn't understand myself and saw it as a weakness.
(I'm an INFJ for those curious and into such things. One of the rarest personalities apparantly, 1% of the population. But I'm blessed to have met three others in my lifetime--hooray for Carrie, Katie, and Jena! =)
I'm sure I'm not the only introverted mama around so I wanted to throw it out there and ask: Are you an introverted mother? How has this affected your parenting and how do you keep yourself fueled and refreshed enough to give the needed attention to your little people?
I'm still in the process of thinking through all of this, but it's something I may write about more in the future if there's enough interest. So I'd love to hear from you!
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Jamie is founder of this spot called Steady Mom, editor of the blog Simple Homeschool, mama to three cute kids born on three different continents, and author of Steady Days: A Journey Toward Intentional, Professional Motherhood.
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