Photo by Jill Allyn Stafford
Ever find yourself making comparisons between you and other ladies in the blogosphere?
Yep, me too.
So I wrote this little the tune of I'm Dreaming of a White Christmas:
"I'm dreaming of some Mommy bloggers
Who are much better than me
They have well-behaved children
And organic gardens
They're everything I'd like to be.
I'm dreaming of some lovely bloggers
Who make gourmet meals every night
They never check their stats
Too busy knitting hats
Patient and kind--they never fight.
If you compare yourself with Mommy bloggers
And wonder if you're good as all the rest
Get offline and ignore all your mess
For your children only YOU are the best."
This song was inspired by a series of three real dreams I had recently about other bloggers (Can you believe it?!--You know you need some offline time when mom bloggers start residing in your subconscious.)
Actually all the ladies I dreamed about are virtual friends who I consider lovely and wonderful. (For the record, they are Heidi of Mt. Hope Chronicles, Renee of FIMBY, and Rachel of Small Notebook. Visit them--they're amazing.)
But in my dreams they were all doing something better than me: one was winning the Winter Olympics as a sledder, one had a peaceful home with very well-behaved children (quite unlike recent days around here, I assure you!), and one blogger won a writing competition that I really want to win.
I was cheering them on in my dreams and genuinely happy for them, but still felt like I was lacking something myself.
I told Steve recently that I felt more confident as a mother before I started blogging. Interesting, isn't it? I had no clue that so many moms out there did so many things differently (& sometimes better) than I do. (Plus I occasionally get critical emails, which never happened before--and is not my favorite part of blogging, fyi.)
Listen to me, hard-working mamas: Do what works for you--in your blogging and in your home. Do what you love. Do what your children enjoy. Shut the computer down when the comparisons come.
The mamas you read about online are showing what works for them--what brings them joy. That is brilliant, but it doesn't mean it applies to you.
You are the best for your children. And whether the whole world shows up at your site or your mom is your only reader--you are enough.
**Okay, confession time. Do you ever compare yourself with other online mamas?**
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Jamie is
founder of this spot called Steady Mom, editor of the blog Simple
Homeschool, mama to three cute kids born on three different
continents, and author of Steady
Days: A Journey Toward Intentional,
Professional Motherhood.
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