Photo by Bob Whitehead
Sometimes I get angry.
I get angry when others don't fully grasp the value of a child--when others don't respect the worth and dignity of the little people we spend our days with.
Recently I read something that got me fired up with the fuel of injustice.
A statement that "most children grow up to be just ordinary people."
Because that is the last word that comes to mind when I consider the value of a human being.
Last week I met a friend for dinner. This was an exciting night--because I also got to meet her eight-week-old baby boy.
It's been a long time since I've seen and held a little one so new to the world.
I was overcome with wonder at this little person. Wonder at the amazing life of love and the potential ahead of him. Finding what he was meant to do in this world and spending a lifetime doing it.
My friend and I could hardly start a conversation that night. We kept being interrupted by others who wanted to talk about the gorgeous baby with us.
People are not just drawn to babies because they are cute. They are drawn because they sense the wonder, the value--they feel a spiritual connection to another human being.
They sense the extraordinary.
What makes anyone, adult or child, ordinary isn't their actions or their results. It's their mindset.
My son, Jonathan, may end up becoming that garbage truck driver that he currently aspires to one day.
If so, I know he will be the most extraordinary, world-changing garbage truck driver possible.
Because we've given him the mindset of the extraordinary.
This morning, my Bible reminded me that Jesus deeply understood the value of a child.
As he interacted with little ones he said, "Anyone who becomes as humble as a little child is the greatest in the Kingdom of Heaven."
The greatest? Greatness doesn't sound very ordinary to me.
So when I ask if you are raising "just an ordinary child," I already know the answer.
The answer is--no, you're not.
Because there is no such thing.
Post Time - 29 minutes
Jamie is founder of this little spot called Steady Mom, editor of the blog Simple Homeschool, mama to three cute kids born on three different continents, and author of Steady Days: A Journey Toward Intentional, Professional Motherhood.
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