Photo by Mrs. Flinger
All mothers know that leaving home when you have small children can take an act of God as well as the patience of Job. For those of us who struggle at times finding either, take heart (& take a few notes on this post!).
Here's a three step process to getting out of your house:
1. Have your bag ready the night before.No, I'm not talking about going into labor here. Actually, preparing for childbirth was probably a breeze compared to trying to leave home with a preschooler and infant in tow.
So you need to be prepared. Keep your diaper bag stocked at all times - ready and waiting for you to grab and go.
Here's what to include:
- diapers and wipes
- empty plastic bags (for diaper changes)
- handkerchiefs (for wiping noses and other baby parts!)
- water bottle/sippy cup
- snacks for the little ones (our standby - rice cakes)
- change of clothes for kids (I usually go for undies and pants)
- your wallet
- cell phone
- hand sanitizer
- two small toys (matchbox cars don't take up much space!)
Photo by Jen
Good - your bag is ready, and by the door. Now you're ready to...
2. Allow for the unexpected.Rest assured, potty emergencies and diaper blowouts WILL happen right as you are heading out. It's absolutely inevitable.
You'll have a much better chance of keeping your cool if you've allowed extra time for the unexpected. Now you have a buffer to sort out what life throws you and still arrive where you're going on time.
3. Be flexible.Flexibility really is the key to enjoying life with young children. There may come a day when you realize, for all your effort at exiting the front door, it's best to just stay put.
Wave the white flag and surrender. Call it a day and try again tomorrow.
Don't worry. This phase of life is just a season, and very soon you will be able to get out of your house.
It just might not be today.
How do you make it easy when you need to pack up the kids and head out?
***Post start to finish - 30 minutes***
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