Did you know you can eat dandelions? I had NO idea, until I read about dandelion fritters at The Little Travelers. Thanks, Little Travelers, for passing along this great idea on your blog!
The kids and I stepped outside this morning to gather dandelions in the fields (I mean, in front of our house!)
The trick is to pull just the tops of the flower off, without the stem.
Back inside we gave them a good wash.To make the fritter batter, mix one cup of milk, one cup of flour, and one egg. You can also add maple syrup if you want to go for a sweet taste. Hold the flower by the base and dip and twist it in the batter until it's covered.
Place into a frying pan with olive oil on medium heat. Flip after they turn brown on one side.
We ate the finished product drizzled with more syrup on the side. Apparently you can also dip them in mustard or dressing for a more savory taste. I think next time we'll make dandelion pancakes. More recipes can be found here. Dandelions are good for your heart and can help other aches and pains. Who knew?I was skeptical about how the results would be received by my crew. Amazingly, the fritters were quickly devoured and I was sent back to the kitchen to make more! A fun, successful experiment.
What do you think? Does anyone have any other surprise dishes to pass on?