Some of you may remember me sharing here that we are having trouble getting through the night with Jonathan. Actually it would be more accurate to say HE is having trouble getting through the night without US.
We had him sleeping on our floor for a while, and then tried ever so gradually to transition him back to his own bunk bed. Well, let me emphatically say that this. just. did. not. work. Now we're pushing three weeks of sleep deprivation. (Wow, I do not miss that part of newborn baby days!)
We've tried bribes, rewards, discipline, you name it. A little short-term success here and there, but nothing long-lasting. Every night, Steve and I discuss potential solutions, "Let's try this. No, maybe this will help." Grasping at straws in desperation!
All of this got me thinking about our family unit. We always remind the children that the five of us are a team. But, sometimes I find myself thinking of us as two teams - US (me and Steve) against THEM (the children). So, so wrong.
We are on the same team. Team Martin. On a successful team everyone works together. Sometimes one player scores an amazing goal and gets all the attention; sometimes someone has an injury and needs extra care. And right now one of our teammates is frightened of sleeping alone.
It's all about compromise. At times the children must compromise to meet our needs. But in this case, we think it's our turn to 'take one for the team.' This wounded team player needs a little time to heal. Which means you will find me sleeping on Jonathan's bottom bunk for now.
It helps at times like these to think big picture. He's not going to be sleeping with us when he's in his teens, is he? No, we'll have other concerns then. But hopefully his heart will be secure in the love of a Mommy and Daddy willing to ponder and respond to his needs.
Even if it means a little less sleep now and then.