Today's post needs to be intertwined with several confessions, in the interest of complete honesty and full disclosure.
Confession #1: I probably would have spent less time on this project if I wasn't going to blog about it. (Just so you know I'm no supermom.)
I wanted to introduce the story of Martin Luther King, Jr to the children. So I did a little searching and found the following book on Amazon:
Happy Birthday, Martin Luther King! - a good overview for preschoolers
Confession #2: The kiddos were quite wiggly and uninterested in the story. I think they could tell by my tone that I wanted them to learn something, and they were conspiring against me!
Then we moved on to making a Multicultural Handprint Wreath, which I also found online after some googling. The idea is to cut handprints out of various colors of construction paper and glue them in a circle, signifying all races joining hands together.
I was making plans for this project when I realized that I already have three different colored pairs of hands under my roof! So forget the construction paper. Instead I took a photo of each child's hand and printed them on cardstock. Then we cut them out and glued them into a circle.
Confession #3: I did almost all of the cutting myself last night, as the kids are still learning to use scissors. So basically, I made 75% of this wreath by myself.